Hoping to help these guys...

Hoping to help these guys...

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Rip This Joint. Day seven, Livingston to Billings.

Wagons rolled out a bit later because McDs didn't open at 6am due to a computer glitch, which meant they couldn't serve loons in lycra, or civilians wearing fleeces either. So back to the motel to rob some ropey breakfast before going back to McDs for a second, more successful time.

As I was finishing, a lady came over and gave me a coupon for an extra Quarter Pounder gratis: she clearly knows an athlete when she sees one, hah-hah! Nah, a kind gesture...good on you, Ma'am!

Oh, almost forgot to give a big shout-out to the couple in a fairly adjacent room last night, who were agreeing with each other quite noisily. Just pleased that they found no other topics to consider...

After that, there's no more shilly-shallying...what's the wind gonna do?
More than glad of wind-assistance today. Blame Chef Morris.
Oh I-90, how I love thee!
Your daily railroad photo. These things must be 3/4 mile in length: Jeremy might get a seat.
Cor blimey, apples & pears etc...please keep moving.
Reassuring to know.
I'll cop to this now: I had a decent tail-wind for much of the morning, and certainly no hindrance all day. Even the temps early-doors were kinder than of late. And it was mainly downhill. Result!
How's that for a fine sounding county?
I've got a few other terms for them.
I spied this pen at a rest area: what a genius idea!
Happy dogs=happy owners.
Northern Hotel. Real hotel. Likes what it says, and says what it bloody well likes! Mushy peas optional.
Yellowstone River. Although I may be making this stuff up by now.
My favourite kinda grade, after Lew. Goes without, etc...
Ice Mocha. Highly recommended!
Post-lunch I only had about 40 miles left, and knew that the wind wouldn't be against me so...happy days! In fact, I started thinking about a sub 5hr 30min century when yes- you've guessed it...that sinking feeling yet again!
Oh yeah, Billy Big-Time thinking he was getting a sub 5hr 30min ton. Deflating!
It was two wires from truck tyres, this time. Further precautions have now been taken: I've swapped the tyres around because the wear on the rear was ridiculous, despite it being brand new last Sunday, and I tracked down a bike shop in Billings and bought some new inner tubes.
I ain't giving the other wire the oxygen of publicity.
Anyway, we roll into Billings and find my motel with no bother. It's a cool number: not expensive, clean and well located. With wi-fi!
"A Chaise Longue? More like a sofa with the end missing, if you ask me!"
You get your dessert first, then main course followed by starter. But with cracking dialogue from your server!
It took until nearly 7pm to get admin sorted, so I was glad of this 'shorter' day to allow that! Great dinner with complimentary IPA beer (one only, shame!) and a guarantee of some wind assistance tomorrow, as his choice of veg was Brussels Sprouts. Hell, if WADA haven't banned them, then I'm all over it, hah-hah!

"Kew-kew-kew..I love it, I love it!"
Two pretty big days coming-up, so keep your fingers crossed and your ice cream cold. Cheers!

Who doesn't love this? Top ear-worm...wow!

The sponsorship is going great guns but there is a little way to go. Please see if you can spare a couple of quid or whatever to help Bloodwise and Combat Stress. Here are those links if you are able to donate:

- To donate to Bloodwise, please click 'here'!

- Please click 'on this bit' to support Combat Stress.

Thank you: I know that the two charities and the people that they help really appreciate all your help.

1 comment:

  1. Guv, good to see your pace picking up and your IPA intake steady. Hope all goes to plan on big day no.1
