Hoping to help these guys...

Hoping to help these guys...

Monday, 26 September 2016

Them Kinda Monkeys Can't Swing. Day fifteen, Fremont to Falls City.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted my preference for giving McDs my custom on a very regular basis on this tour. Well, with fast and free wi-fi, free water and the all-important Oat Pots on the go, who wouldn't?

Well, in the interests of fair-play, and also because Ronnie McD was too far to walk at 0630, I tried Burger King. I have to say, their equivalent of a 'Sausage & Egg McMuffin' was superior but their coffee was dire. Wi-fi quality untried. There you go: who needs Martyn Lewis/Which?
As seen early-doors from Fremont. It's a bar, now.
Thanks Nebraska- you were kind today!
I knew that the all-important winds were forecast to be from the north-west, and so it proved. Utter joy unconfined! It made it possible to do a couple of more miles to keep on trying to edge closer to Miami: some time during the day we passed the half-way point. A small but important win!

On the way out of unloved Fremont...
Christmas on the way which can only mean one thing: Slade! 
See Nebraska? You *can* do decent surfaces.
Such is the day-to-day nature of this tour now, that I didn't know for definite where I was going to end-up tonight. I had a couple of destinations that were far enough and appeared to have accommodation, but waited until lunch to see how things were going before deciding and then ringing the hotel. What's a bit more stress, right? It worked-out ok though...
Er, Don...what time do you open?

Some manicured properties around.
GPS, iPhone and all the rest are great, but sometimes a hand-scrawled cue-sheet is boss.
Almost pleasant out here.
I spend more of my time asking 'Why?'.
Nevermind voting for Frank Terry or similar, turn left for Stella! 
This'll do alright.
 As bad as the last couple of days have been at times, so today was the polar opposite: you cannot second-guess this place, hah-hah! A privilege to be able to do it.

The decision now is when to take a rest-day: I am getting a tad tired but am loathe to stop moving south-east. How would a shorter day of 50 miles work, rest-wise: it would mean a lie-in and an early finish, right? Yeah, your guess is as good as...
Saw 100s of these guys trying to cross the road. I ran him over as I wheeled away. Nah, not really!
 I was glad when Falls City arrived in view: my hotel has a touch of 'The Shining' about it at first glance. Bet I still sleep well, hah-hah!
Map from inside my 'Shining'-lite hotel...
A new one on me, but Mexican excellence nonetheless!

Terrific number. Not too gritty, right Rog?

The sponsorship is going great guns but there is a little way to go on each cause. Please see if you can spare a couple of quid or whatever to help Bloodwise and Combat Stress. Here are those links if you are able to donate:

- To donate to Bloodwise, please click 'here'!

- Please click 'on this bit' to support Combat Stress.

I know that the two charities and the people that they help really appreciate all your help. Top stuff!

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